
2,218 homeless people received shelter and food during the coldest months of the year

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Homeless people in Luxembourg

Matt Collamer, Unsplash

The 2023/2024 report on the Action Hiver (Wanteraktioun) programme shows a significant increase in the number of people in need of support. The programme has been operating in Luxembourg since 2001 and aims to prevent hypothermia among homeless people during the winter. It is organised by the association Dräieck asbl, supported by the Ministry of Family, Solidarity and Social Inclusion.

Over the 152 days and 157 nights of the programme, 2,218 different beneficiaries were hosted over the winter period. The initiative created 300 overnight shelter spaces, 50 more than in previous years, including an outdoor heated tent with 24 spaces. This innovation was necessary to prevent a shortage of overnight shelter places. The programme was first extended to 28 April 2024 due to unusually cold weather.

During the winter period, 20,736 meals were served in the day shelter and 74,804 breakfasts and dinners in the night shelter. 37,402 overnight stays were provided for 1,890 beneficiaries, of which 53.58% were third country nationals, 38.4% were EU citizens and 8.02% were Luxembourgers.

The majority of those who applied to the day shelter were men (92%), reflecting a general trend across the programme. The age group from 26 to 45 years old accounted for almost half of all visitors (48.7%). The day shelter also operated an emergency wardrobe, which was visited by 312 people, receiving 1,040 items of clothing, which is especially important in winter.

Action Hiver organised 260 medical consultations with the support of Caritas Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Red Cross. The DIMPS (mobile testing service) also organised anonymous testing for HIV, hepatitis C and syphilis.

The programme relied on the help of 110 volunteers who worked a total of 5,986 hours in day and night shelters. This emphasises the importance of volunteering in solving social problems.

The 35% increase in applications compared to the previous year was due to an increase in the number of international protection seekers and temporary protection beneficiaries. Action Hiver registered 251 international protection seekers and 28 temporary protection beneficiaries. Also 59 beneficiaries had official jobs, which shows the complexity of the situation of homeless people who, despite being employed, remain in a vulnerable situation.

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We took photos from these sources: Matt Collamer, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr