41% of EU scientists and engineers are women

Фото: Diane Serik, Unsplash
At the end of 2022, there were almost 7.3 million female scientists and engineers in the European Union. This is 310,500 more than the year before and represents 41% of the total number of people employed in science and technology. The data was released by Eurostat.
Lithuania, Corsica and Latvia had the highest number of women in technical fields: 64.1%, 63.9% and 62.7% respectively. The lowest figures were found in Italy (South and North-West) and Malta. These countries have an average of 45.6% each.
Luxembourg does not boast a large number of women in S&T either, but here again we have to take into account the specificities of the country. The Grand Duchy is a financial center. There is still some research and development going on, but due to its small size and focus on business, far fewer people are doing science here, preferring to do research in neighboring countries with more extensive facilities and peer support.
Nevertheless, even with these conventions, Luxembourg shows almost perfect parity: women make up 49.6% of the scientific workforce.