Luxembourg provides more than 400 units of social housing for rent

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The Luxembourg Minister of Housing, Claude Meisch, presented data on social housing provided through the Gestion Locative Sociale (GLS) programme. This programme aims to provide affordable housing for socially vulnerable groups.
In 2023, housing was provided through GLS in 101 municipalities across the country. Among the leaders in terms of the number of rented properties:
- Luxembourg: 118 units;
- Esch-sur-Alzette: 117 units;
- Dudelange: 66 units;
- Ettelbruck: 70 units;
- Dikirch: 43 units.
Fewer properties were provided in smaller municipalities such as Berdorf and Remich (1 property each), and a number of communes such as Schuttrange, Stadtbredimus and Lac de la Haut-Sur have no social housing.
The Ministry enters into agreements with GLS operators, but does not have information on the age or characteristics of the owners of the facilities or their use prior to leasing. Moreover, data for 2024 are still being processed.
The Ministry provides fixed subsidies to operators for each property, regardless of its size or type. This model improves the availability of housing for those in particular need, ensuring a level playing field across regions.