
A waiter race will be held in Luxembourg

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A waiter race will be held in Luxembourg

Both real waiters and restaurant customers can take part in the unusual race. It will take place on August 13. According to the organizers, no special training is required, only a sense of balance.

The Course de côte des filles & garçons de café will start at 4:00 p.m. at the restaurant De Gudde Wëllen. The runners will go down to the Grund and then up again, through the pedestrian zone, back to the terrace of the restaurant.

And, of course, the main thing: they have to do all this with a tray of overflowing glasses and cups in their hands. The main task of the waiters is not to split anything, which will be quite difficult: on the way they will face many barriers, such as stairs, curbs, and fences. "Like during a hard day at work, when baby carriages or chairs get in the way," says race organizer Luka Heindrichs.

Running is forbidden during the race. Only fast walking is allowed. All trays will be weighed before the start, so the winner will be chosen based on the speed and weight of the tray. You can register for the race on the official website or through a special form. Participation is free for everyone.

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