Main events of coming weekend in Luxembourg

Did you already plan how you are gonna spend one of the last weekends of short and sweet February? We can help you with that: here is the editor's choice digest of all the long-awaited events in the Grand Duchy. Mark the days in your calendar and enjoy the last winter days.
Nature on strike
An extraordinary workshop for the whole family from the Museum of Natural History. What would happen to us if nature went on strike? Learn first-hand from the animals and plants, whose voices can be the voices of the children who come to the exhibition. The ticket price is 5 euros and the tour duration is 20 minutes.
Address: National Museum of Natural History, 25 rue Münster, L-2160 LUXEMBOURG
Young Game Developers
These workshop series are created for children ages 11 to 13 to get to know the basic rules of programming and video game development closer. Students will master the game dev work frames and platforms and will create their first projects by the end of the course. and be able to write their first own project by the end of the course. The cost of the whole program is 225 euros.
Address: PwC Luxembourg, 2 Rue Gerhard Mercator, 2182 LUXEMBOURG
Explore the mysteries of the universe at a performance lecture. Etienne Fanteguzzi, the choreographer caught up in the web, will explore string theory and how fundamental physics might not be so fundamental. Ticket prices are up to 20 euros.
Address: Banannefabrik, 12 Rue du Puits, L-2359 LUXEMBOURG
Farewell the winter with a live performance by an ensemble of hip-hop, funk, and soul artists. Let your feelings and emotions flow, especially since the musicians demand to see you dance. The ticket price is 13 euros.
Address: De Gudde Wëllen Culture Club, 17 rue de Saint Esprit, L-1475 LUXEMBOURG
More interesting: Museums and cultural centers in Luxembourg