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Smoking in Luxembourg: regulations, prices, places

In this article, we review frequently asked questions about smoking in Luxembourg. What are the prices for tobacco here, where can you smoke, and where to buy e-cigarettes and other products in Luxembourg

Last time updated

As a traveler or resident in Luxembourg, understanding the regulations and nuances surrounding smoking is essential for a comfortable experience. From the laws governing smoking to the cost of tobacco products and designated smoking areas, in this article, you will find all the necessary information for smokers in the Grand Duchy.

Smoking laws and regulations in Luxembourg

Smoking in Luxembourg is regulated by two sets of laws – the law of 11 August 2006 and the law of 18 July 2013. According to them, smoking is prohibited in all enclosed public places, including bars, restaurants, workplaces, and public transportation. Smoking is also prohibited in outdoor areas where children are present, such as playgrounds, schools, and sports fields.

The legal age for buying cigarettes and tobacco products in Luxembourg is 18. You will not be able to buy any tobacco products if you are under 18 years old.

Advertising for tobacco products is prohibited and the sale of tobacco products is highly limited. That includes a ban on selling single and flavoured cigarettes. Health warnings and graphic images depicting the harmful effects of smoking cover a significant portion of the packaging of tobacco products.

The use of electronic cigarettes, also known as vaping, is regulated by the same laws listed above. E-cigarettes are not allowed in indoor public spaces where smoking is prohibited.

Be good

Penalties for violating the smoking laws in Luxembourg can include fines of up to 250 euros.

Where and what is it allowed to smoke?

Generally speaking, you can smoke freely on the territory of private residences, unless there are specific rules or restrictions imposed by the property owner or building management. You are also allowed to smoke in designated smoking areas and outdoor areas, for example, streets, where children are not present.

If you want to smoke at the train station or bus stop, make sure to find a dedicated place. They are usually visible and marked with special signs. If there is no such place, make sure to move from people and do not drop the cigarette bun on the ground after you have smoked.

Prohibited smoking areas in Luxembourg
Can you smoke weed in Luxembourg?

How government protects people and helps smokers?

The public is concerned about the smoking situation in the country. According to data provided by the Luxembourg Cancer Foundation, 28% of residents over the age of sixteen have smoked at least once in the past year, and 19% smoke daily.

Smoking is believed to be responsible for approximately 1000 deaths per year in Luxembourg. And yet there is no increase in prices of tobacco products, making them very accessible to the public.

Smoking is a major health hazard that can lead to many serious health problems, including cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and problems with the immune system.

Macrotrends data statistics collage by Luxtoday

The government of Luxembourg is taking various steps to deal with the smoking problem. These measures include 

  • Prohibiting smoking in all enclosed public places, including bars, restaurants, workplaces, and public transportation,
  • Raising the legal smoking age to 18,
  • Regulating advertising and selling of cigarettes and tobacco products,
  • Funding smoking prevention programs and raising awareness.
All of EU

Luxembourg is not alone in this stance, the whole European Union considers smoking a major public health problem and has taken steps to discourage it. Over the years, the EU has addressed this issue and taken various measures.

Luckily, various organisations in Luxembourg are helping smokers to quit. Sometimes and under specific conditions, the social security system in Luxembourg may reimburse the cost of assistance needed to quit smoking. To obtain more information about this aid and the necessary application forms, consult your family doctor.


How to get compensated for quitting smoking?

Luxembourg Against Cancer Foundation

This is a non-profit organisation that was founded in 1988. The foundation's mission is to prevent cancer, help patients and their families, and support cancer research in the country.

Also, Foundation Cancer founded a social program Tobacco-Free Generation, which suggested measurements that can help decrease the number of smokers in Luxembourg with educational and preventive measures.

Luxembourg Cancer Foundation
209 Rte d'Arlon, 1150 Belair Luxembourg
Free consultations

Where to buy cigarettes and tobacco products in Luxembourg

Generally speaking, there are a lot of places, where you can buy tobacco and cigarettes in the country. The popularity of smoking makes it almost inevitable to find these products wherever you go.

You can buy tobacco in

  • Press kiosks,
  • Special counters in chain supermarkets,
  • Gas stations,
  • Special tobacco shops.

What has changed in the tobacco law in 2024

The amount of cigarettes and tobacco that can be transported from one country to another within the European Union depends on each country's rules. The European Union has reference values but each country is not obliged to follow these values, which are as follows:

cigarillos (small cigars max. 3 grams)
1 kg
of tobacco

France is one of the countries that does not follow these recommendations. Until March 29, 2024, France was stricter and it was only allowed to bring into the country 200 cigarettes, 100 cigarillos, 50 cigars or 250 grams of tobacco. However, since March 29, 2024, a decree has modified the conditions for importing cigarettes by removing all restrictions. 

It is now possible to import as many cigarettes, or as much tobacco as you want as long as it is for personal consumption. Here is a summary table with the current transport limits for Luxembourg's neighboring countries.

How many tobacco products can you bring from Luxembourg?

EU guidelinesFranceBelgiumGermany
Cigarettes800No limit for personal use800800
Cigarillos400No limit for personal use400400
Cigars200No limit for personal use200200
Tobacco1kgNo limit for personal use1kg1kg

If you live in France and want to take advantage of this new regulation, the nearest tobacco shops are in Dudelange, one is Tobalco, at 3 Rue de la Libération. It's open 7 days a week, Monday to Saturday from 6.30 to 19:00 and on Sundays from 7.30 to 13:00. If these times don't suit you and you're looking for a 24-hour tobacco shop in Luxembourg, you'll probably have to go a little further. 

Finally, there are other tobacco shops in other towns on the Luxembourg border, such as Rumelange, Frisange and Mondorf-les-Bains.

How much do cigarettes cost in Luxembourg

The Grand Duchy has the cheapest cigarette prices in Europe. Ordinary packages with 20 cigarettes cost about 5-8 euros. For example, the price of a pack of Marlboro is around 8 euros, Camel – is 6 euros and Winston is around 7 euros. Maxi-packages with 30-40 cigarettes cost about 11 euros. And tobacco buckets and tints with tobacco cost about 60-80 euros.

To give you an idea of the current prices in Luxembourg, here is a list of prices for some common brands.

Austin bleu 25€ 6.00
Austin rouge 20€ 5.00
Camel bleu 25€ 7.60
Camel jaune 25€ 7.60
Che rouge 20€ 5.40
Chesterfield bleu 25€ 6.75
Davidoff classic 20€ 7.20
Ducal + 25€ 6.50
Ducal gold 25€ 6.00
Ducal silver 25€ 6.00
Elixyr + m-type 25€ 6.60
Elixyr bleu 25€ 6.60
Gauloises blondes or 25€ 6.80
JPS bleu stream 25€ 6.90
LM rouge 25€ 6.75
Lucky Strike bleu 25€ 7.60
Lucky Strike rouge 25€ 7.60

Vaping and vape shops in Luxembourg

Smoking and vaping are both ways to consume nicotine, but they have different effects on the human body. Smoking involves burning tobacco, which releases harmful chemicals into the bloodstream. Vaping, on the other hand, does not involve burning tobacco. Instead, it heats a liquid to create a vapor that is inhaled.

If you do not smoke ordinary cigarettes and prefer electronic nicotine systems, there are also few places, where you can find goods and devices. Electronic (e-cigarettes) in Luxembourg come in various shapes and styles, and this sphere is evolving every day.

Maybe even worse

Both smoking and vaping are harmful to your health!


Smoking kills and causes a lot of painful consequences. Moreover, nicotine is highly addictive and ruins many people's lives every day.

Don't smoke, there are a lot of nice things to do in the Grand Duchy instead!
Camping in Luxembourg
Sports for All in Luxembourg
Best cinema theatres in Luxembourg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How much does a pack of cigarettes cost in Luxembourg?

Is smoking in the street and public places allowed in Luxembourg?

Is smoking weed now legal in Luxembourg?

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We took photos from these sources: Brendan Stephens for Unsplash, Thought Catalog for Unsplash, Macrotrends data statistics collage by Luxtoday.

Authors: Asya
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