EU wants to reform the decision-making process: which countries will be excluded from it?

Several countries, including Luxembourg, have proposed changes to the decision-making process in matters of safety and foreign policy. Countries believe that having a qualified majority decision vote would speed up the process and make it more efficient.
Currently there are few problems regarding thie decision-making process on the Union-level. The process in the European Parliament can be slow and cumbersome, which can hinder effective governance and make it difficult for the EU to respond quickly to pressing issues. It can also be very complex, with multiple layers of bureaucracy and decision-making bodies. Some believe that simplifying the process and streamlining decision-making could make the EU more efficient and effective.
The new form of voting would allow initiatives to be approved without unanimous consent of all members of the European Union. If approved, the decision can be made with the agreement of at least 15 countries out of 27. An important criterion in this case is representativeness. That is, the countries voting must account for more than 65% of the European Union's inhabitants.
In one way, this would really speed up the approval of significant regulations. On the other hand, small countries are concerned that in such a situation their votes will simply no longer be counted. This may indeed happen because initiatives from Germany, France and other big countries with large populations are often put forward. It would therefore be easier for them to obtain the required number of votes in order to obtain a positive verdict.
Denying veto power to some states could lead to even more acute divisions within the EU bloc itself. The recent conflict between the European Union and Hungary is a direct confirmation of this.
Some time ago EU lawmakers expressed their views on the Hungarian case: Prime Minister Viktor Orban came to power in the country in 2010. Since then, according to parliamentarians, the Orban government has been making deliberate, systematic attempts to undermine the key values of the EU. One of the requirements for accession to the European Union alliance is that the country must have a democratic regime.
A statement from the European Parliament disapproving of the country's policies and actions could potentially mean Hungary's exclusion from the bloc in the future.