Main world events of the past week of April 24-30

The approval of the monarchy in Britain has fallen to a historic low
"God Save the Queen," or more accurately, "God Save the King," seems to be no longer the most recognizable phrase when it comes to Foggy Albion. The nation's rating of support for the monarchy shows the poorest results, judging by the latest survey of citizens.
Granted, such surveys have only been done since 1983, however, in 2023, only 3 out of 10 Brits continue to think the monarchy is important. Last year it was almost 40 percent.
On the other hand, the percentage of those who think that it is a great idea to abolish royalty altogether and completely transfer power to parliament has risen. After the death of Elizabeth II, these answers increased by one-tenth – 45% of respondents in 2023 against 35% in 2022.
Figures in the poll correspond to the mood of British society, the favorite of which, no doubt, was Elizabeth, but not Charles. People also remember the unresolved mystery of the death of Princess Diana, the future king's first wife.
Nevertheless, no one has abolished the rules so far, so on May 6 Charles will go to the coronation, where he will take the name of Charles III.
Hungary disappointed in the EU
Performance is not just in the islands. The Eastern equivalent of Brexit may happen in the near future. At least, that is the hypothesis suggested by some analysts.

It sounds menacing, but in fact, there are no grounds for this outcome. Yes, the satisfaction with the EU among the Hungarian population plummeted to 39%, although last year it stood at 51%. But this does not mean that Hungary will leave the commonwealth. Instead, it bolsters the position of Viktor Orban, the current prime minister of the country, who holds conservative views and actively opposes some of the courses of the European Union.
This attitude has repeatedly been criticized by other countries. Recently, Luxembourg Prime Minister Xavier Bettel said he was deeply disappointed with Hungary.
Also, Orban and the ruling elite do not always support sanctions against Russia, which also irritates their Western counterparts. Time will tell how this still silent confrontation will play out.