
The 10 best countries for doing business are named

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Бизнес-среда в Сингапуре

Фото: Swapnil Bapat, Unsplash

The ranking, compiled by the Economist Intelligence Unit, includes 82 countries. Of course, the most interesting is the top ten, where Singapore has held the top spot for 16 years in a row. This is where the conditions for starting and developing a business are most favorable. This is due to the high level of political stability and the government's attention to the business sector.

The second and third places in the ranking were taken by Denmark and the USA. These countries also have strong economies, well-developed transportation and digital logistics, which facilitate the opening and development of businesses of all levels. It is quite easy for entrepreneurs in these regions to adapt and start earning.

In 4th place is Germany, the only neighbor of Luxembourg in this list. Other European countries in the top 10 are Sweden and Finland. However, Luxembourg itself did not make it into the top ten. This is due to difficulties in implementing projects and finding employees due to the high linguistic diversity. Nevertheless, large companies feel most comfortable here.

The full list of the top 10 best countries for business:

  1. Singapore
  2. Denmark
  3. USA
  4. Germany
  5. Switzerland
  6. Canada
  7. Sweden
  8. New Zealand
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Finland

The rankings also took into account market opportunities and investment prospects in these economies.

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Source: Economist Intelligence

We took photos from these sources: Swapnil Bapat на Unsplash