
How to visit a dermatologist in Luxembourg

If the time has come for you to see a doctor and you need one in Luxembourg, this article will provide you with all the essentials. We will guide you on where to find a dermatologist in Luxembourg, how to enrol in the social security system, and offer general insights into how the healthcare system works in Luxembourg.

Last time updated

Good news! If you need to visit a dermatologist in Luxembourg, there is no need to worry about the costs of the medical service. Consultations with dermatologists are treated the same as with other specialists in Luxembourg, with reimbursements ranging from 80% to 100%.

Access to dermatology care in Luxembourg in 2024

In Luxembourg, both employees and self-employed individuals are required to contribute to the social security system. This mandatory contribution entitles them and their dependents to a comprehensive range of healthcare benefits. 

The healthcare coverage includes most treatments provided by general practitioners and specialists, as well as all laboratory tests, prescriptions, and hospitalizations. Dermatology care is no exception. As a resident contributing to the social security system, you can access dermatological services with ease. 


Healthcare system in Luxembourg

Health insurance for medical services

Unlike many European countries, Luxembourg does not have a separate public and private healthcare system. Instead, most medical professionals work privately but have contracts with the Caisse Nationale de Santé (CNS) to provide state-funded services. However, some doctors and specialists still work exclusively privately and rely on direct payments of their clients in full volume.

As a Luxembourg resident, you and your children benefit from state health insurance, with dermatology consultations covered at 80%. To cover the remaining costs, private professionals, or healthcare services not available through state insurance, you can also subscribe to private health insurance. 

Public health insurance
Private health insurance

If you decide to stay with the state insurance, you will need to know under which branch of affiliation you can receive your insurance. The process of obtaining health insurance for dermatology services in Luxembourg is fairly straightforward and we will discuss it step by step.

How to obtain medical insurance in Luxembourg?

Both employees and self-employed individuals in Luxembourg are covered by the social security system, which operates on a reimbursement basis with coverage ranging from 80% to 100%. With the difference of if you are an independent worker, you need to make contributions by yourself.

Employed Workers

Everyone working in Luxembourg must be affiliated with the CNS, CMFEP, CMFEC, or EMCFL, depending on their occupation. Affiliation is done by the employer, who declares the employee's activity to the Centre Commun de la Sécurité Sociale (CCSS). The CCSS then sends a confirmation of social security affiliation to the insured individual.

Self-Employed Individuals

Self-employed workers must register themselves with the CCSS and contribute based on their situation. Professional income serves as the basis for calculating social security contributions. These incomes consist of the profit from professional activity. Various contribution rates are applied to this base, which vary annually. In 2024, the total of these rates amounts to 24.2%.

Family Members

Any child under 30 years of age, residing in Luxembourg, and not personally insured can benefit from co-insurance with a parent who is personally affiliated with health insurance. For a spouse (marriage) or partner (PACS) residing in Luxembourg and not personally affiliated, the CNS provides co-insurance upon request.

For more details on the different modalities of affiliation to the social security system and general information on the health care system in Luxembourg we recommend you take a look at a special summary prepared by the CNS

How to get reimbursed for dermatology care in Luxembourg?

Luxembourg's healthcare system operates on a reimbursement basis, meaning that first you pay for medical costs upfront and then submit a reimbursement claim to the CNS, who further gives you money back for what can be covered. The reimbursement will take about three weeks to transfer to your bank account, along with a notification by mail.

To request reimbursement, you must submit the original invoices for fees or other medical expenses you paid in advance, which must include the 13-digit registration number of the person who received the treatment.

If you send your letter to the CNS from within Luxembourg, no postage is required.

A specific procedure, however, must be followed through the MyGuichet platform if this is your first refund request or if you wish to register a new bank account. This procedure involves providing your 13-digit national identification number and an RIB statement for future reimbursements. 

When you do not need to submit a claim?
For certain types of care, such as hospitalisation, physiotherapy, laboratory costs, and medications, the expenses are paid directly between the CNS and the provider. In this case, you only pay the portion of the costs not covered by health insurance.
Medicaments included or not?
Prescription medications are generally covered by the CNS through a "payment levels" system, with three reimbursement rates: 40%, 80%, and 100%. Note that you will need to pay the full price for any medications purchased without a prescription. Dermatological pharmaceuticals are reimbursed in the same way as other drugs.
Luxembourg pharmacies: how to buy medicine
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Finding a good dermatologist in Luxembourg

If you do not have a particular specialist in mind, or have just arrived in the country, finding a dermatologist in Luxembourg can be a more complicated, but still very straightforward process. There are usually several aspects to consider.

Look for dermatologists near your home or workplace for greater convenience. You can start by searching online in medical directories or using digital maps that show specialists in your area.
Ensure that the dermatologist is registered with the Ordre des Médecins de Luxembourg, the regulatory body for doctors in the country. Consider reviews and recommendations.
Some dermatologists may have long waiting lists. If the dermatologist you selected has a long wait time, consider contacting another specialist, especially if your case requires immediate attention.

You can also go to a specialist outside Luxembourg as well. There are many professionals who can help you. For simple consultations with a doctor in a foreign centre, clinic or hospital, you do not need a prior agreement, reimbursement is made according to Luxembourgish rates and fees. Approval is required if the doctor uses a highly specialised medical device for the consultation, as specified in the restrictive list, or if the doctor's procedure requires the use of hospital infrastructure.

It is free to ask

Not all the medical specialists are covered by your insurance, ask before you go.

Where to look for a dermatologist in Luxembourg?

If you’re looking for the best dermatologist in Luxembourg but don't know where to start, consider both online and offline methods of searching for the right person. We have researched some of them and can give you several ideas on where to start.


There are multiple online platforms where you can search for dermatologists, here are some of the most important ones.

One of the main tools for finding health professionals in Luxembourg and several other European countries. It contains detailed information about doctors in general and various specialists, including dermatologists. Doctena also helps you find English-speaking doctors and has a robust filtering system to refine your search by location and language.
Yellow Pages
A well-known directory of various services, including medical professionals in Luxembourg. On Yellow Pages, you can find a broad spectrum of services offered by professionals, including dermatologists and dermatology clinics.
Similar to Yellow Pages, Editus provides contact information about services and professionals available in Luxembourg. Including doctors and medical professionals.
Collège Médical
An official medical organisation that includes a list of the registered medical professionals in Luxembourg. Registration is mandatory for all healthcare professionals working temporarily or permanently in the country, so it is a great source for search.


It is also possible to find a dermatologist in Luxembourg the old-fashioned way, without the internet. Though the chances to stumble on one on your daily walk are still quite low, keep that in mind.

Friends or colleagues
Asking your friends or colleagues is one of the best ways to find a good dermatologist. This method allows you to get additional information, such as personal opinions about dermatologists, their experiences with consultations, and the outcomes of specific treatments.
Société Luxembourgeoise de Dermato-Vénérologie (SLDV)
You can contact the SLDV, which will be happy to help you find the right professional for your situation. This organisation is focused around dermatology as well.

Popular clinics in Luxembourg

Luxembourg has multiple clinics and hospitals with dermatology departments. Here are some of the most notable ones where you can receive quality help with the right specialist, and be reimbursed in many cases.

Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL)
The main hospital centre in the capital, comprising four major sites, three of which are grouped in Rollingergrund and the fourth in Eich. The dermatology department is located at the CHL Centre in Rollingergrund.
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Hôpitaux Robert Schuman
This group has four major centres, three in the capital: Kirchberg Hospital, Bohler Clinic, and ZithaKlinik. The fourth centre is Clinique Sainte Marie in Esch-sur-Alzette. The dermatology department is located at Kirchberg Hospital.
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Groupe Medical Pasteur
Founded in 2014, this medical centre brings together health professionals specialising in a wide range of fields. They offer services in aesthetic medicine, vascular medicine, dentistry, and dermatology.
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Clinique de la Dr. Dierickx
This is a private dermatological clinic, located very close to the capital and directed by Dr. Dierickx, a dermatologist with more than 20 years of experience. Dr. Christine Dierickx has a wide range of qualifications in the field of aesthetic dermatology and laser surgery.
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Cost of visit to dermatologist in Luxembourg in 2024

Although a significant portion of the cost of a dermatologist visit in Luxembourg is reimbursed, usually around 80%, it is helpful to know the cost of common procedures to understand the out-of-pocket expenses you might need to pay. Below is a table showing dermatologist prices in Luxembourg, including some of the most common procedures.

How much does it cost to go to a dermatologist
Consultation or procedureCostReimbursement (80%)Total not reimbursed cost
Consultation with a specialist in dermato-venerology63.6 euros50.8812.72
Major consultation with a dermatology specialist86.2 euros68.9617.24
Skin or mucosal sample for histological examination25.6 euros20.485.12
Destruction of one or more benign skin tumors, per session46.0 euros36.89.2
Destruction of more than 4 benign skin tumors in a single session92 euros73.618.4
Destruction of peri- or subungual lesions or tumors with partial nail excision, per finger33.3 euros26.646.66
Destruction of venereal warts, per session49.2 euros39.369.84
Excision or destruction of a malignant skin tumor or naevus less than 4 cm²56.9 euros45.5211.38
Excision or destruction of a malignant skin tumor or naevus on the face less than 4 cm²73.3 euros58.6414.66
Excision or destruction of a malignant skin tumor of more than 4 cm²112.3 euros89.8422.46
Destruction of an accidental tattoo less than 8 cm²52.2 euros41.7610.44
Destruction of an accidental tattoo more than 8 cm²103.1 euros82.4820.62
Exfoliating treatment of the epidermis with skin cleaning and flattening of suppurative or cystic collections, per session33.3 euros26.646.66
Treatment of skin with mechanical abrasion or milling, per session33.3 euros26.646.66
Phototherapy (UVA and/or UVB) for regional dermatological condition, per session13.9 euros11.122.78
Phototherapy (UVA and/or UVB) for general dermatological conditions, per session22.9 euros18.324.58

Source: CNS

Luxembourg offers an excellent health insurance system that covers all workers, whether they are employees or self-employed, as well as their families, children and spouses who are not independently insured. The reimbursement system, covering from 80% to 100% of the costs and including dermatology, makes the medical help available for everyone in the country.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long does it take to get reimbursed by CNS?

Can I choose a dermatologist who speaks English in Luxembourg?

Are there any online platforms to book dermatology appointments in Luxembourg?

How do I update my bank account information for CNS reimbursements?

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We took photos from these sources: CHL, Hopitaux Robert Schuman, Groupe Medical Pasteur, drdierickx.lu, Bermix Studio on Unsplash

Authors: Luz
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