Merger announced by two major beverage distributors

Фото: Gerrie van der Walt, Unsplash
Munhowen and Boissons Heintz have decided to join forces to reach new heights and compete more effectively. Both organizations are known for their extensive distribution network of alcoholic and non-alcoholic products, including various beers, wines, spirits, and drinking water.
The decision to merge can be considered strategic, as neither organization suffers from a lack of orders. For example, in 2023, Munhowen will have sales of 89 million euros and Heintz 39 million euros. However, competition in the very tough market of the Greater Region does not spare the smaller players. This was one of the main reasons for the alliance: the companies wanted to attract new customers outside Luxembourg.
It is not yet known how the resources will be optimized, but the executives hope this will open up new perspectives for the more than 300 employees of the newly formed alliance. What is known, however, is that the companies will not change their names for the time being and will continue to operate under their names, but with the obligations of a partnership.