
The crisis in Europe's automotive industry could affect Luxembourg

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Автопромышленность Европы и Люксембурга

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The automotive industry, one of the key sectors of the European economy, is facing a deep crisis. Layoffs, plant closures and deteriorating working conditions are a daily reality. IndustriAll Europe, which includes OGBL, has called on the European Commission to take urgent action to save jobs and restore stability to the industry.

The events of recent months resemble a "tsunami" of mass layoffs and restructuring. Social tensions are rising, and the loss of skilled labour and production capacity threatens the EU's political goals, including strategic autonomy and a just ecological transformation.

The state of supply chains is particularly worrying, including in Luxembourg, where key suppliers to the automotive industry are located. Losses for employees in this area could be a serious blow to the local economy.

IndustriAll Europe is pushing for a comprehensive industrial plan that includes:

  • Fair competition in international markets, including measures against dumping.
  • Infrastructure for sustainable mobility, including the development of charging stations.
  • A moratorium on forced redundancies and the search for alternative solutions to save jobs.

After her re-election, Ursula von der Leyen announced her intention to lead an initiative to support the automotive industry. However, trade unions are demanding concrete action in the first 100 days of the new Commission.

The sector provides 13 million jobs and is the backbone of the European economy. Policy weakness in this area could lead to serious social consequences, increased populism and undermine democratic foundations.

Unions continue to mobilise their members to make workers' voices heard at all levels of government. IndustriAll Europe expects the European Commission to present a plan that will help meet the industry's challenges and keep it as a key component of European prosperity.

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Source: OGBL

We took photos from these sources: Getty Images

Authors: Aleksandr