
Father's Day — history and traditions

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Father's Day — history and traditions

Many of us know when Mother's Day is — in Luxembourg it is this Sunday, 11 June. But when is Father's Day? That is a bit harder to say.

Traditionally, Father's Day in Luxembourg is celebrated on the first Sunday in October. This year it falls on October 1. But neighbouring Belgium, for example, celebrates Father's Day on the second Sunday in June, and France on the third. It's even more complicated in Germany, where Father's Day is historically linked to the Christian holiday of Ascension Day (the Thursday forty days after Easter).

Different countries celebrate Father's Day on different dates, as is the case with many non-public holidays. In the UK and the Netherlands, for example, Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. In Australia, it is celebrated on the first Sunday in September.

The history of Father's Day began in 1909 in the American town of Spokane, Washington. During a Mother's Day church service, a local woman named Sonora Smart Dodd wondered: "Why don't we have a similar holiday to honour fathers?"

When the girl was 16, her mother died giving birth to her sixth child. Her father, William Jackson Smart, was left to raise his children alone. He was a loving, caring parent and role model for her.

Sonora started a petition explaining the importance of a father's role in the family and asking for support from the authorities. The community supported the initiative and a celebration was planned for June 5, William Smart's birthday. But the preparations were not ready for the date and the event was moved to the 19th. Soon, the idea of Father's Day spread to other cities, and even US President Calvin Coolidge supported it.

On this day, a lot of Luxembourgers try to spend some time together with their families and with their fathers. They can organise family trips, picnics, park visits or other activities that make the whole family happy.

Traditionally, children prepare Father's Day gifts to show their love and appreciation. It can be something they have made themselves, a card with wishes or a gift that has been chosen especially for their dads.

By the way, this year the British company Fussy has developed the world's first beer-scented deodorant as a gift for all dads. This unique deodorant combines natural ingredients, biodegradable fillers and the aroma of Punk IPA beer — it smells like the original drink, with hoppy and tropical notes.

Father's Day in Luxembourg is a time when families come together to celebrate the role and importance of fathers in their lives and to spend time together in a fun atmosphere, giving each other love and support.

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We took photos from these sources: Man, children, grass, flowers

Authors: Kadriia

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