One in 12 students drop out of school: Luxembourg struggles with education crisis

Kübra Arslaner, Unsplash
According to the official response of Education Minister Claude Meisch (Claude Meisch) to a parliamentary enquiry by MP Marc Spautz (CSV), the number of pupils leaving the education system before obtaining a diploma reached 1,884 in the 2023/2024 school year, representing 8.2 per cent of all pupils above compulsory school age. This is one of the highest rates in recent years and a worrying signal for the entire education system.
In previous years, school dropout rates have ranged from 7% to 8.2%, confirming that the problem is systemic. The European Commission's goal is to reduce the rate below 9%, but according to Eurostat, the EU average in 2023 was 9.8%.
In addition, the report indicates that more than 1,000 apprenticeship contracts (apprentissage) are cancelled each year, up from 1,044 in 2023/2024, a trend that has continued for the fifth consecutive year. This poses a threat of skills shortages in sectors such as crafts, technology, construction and services.
Among the reasons for dropping out, youth most often cite:
- switching to another training project;
- a change in career trajectory;
- Inability to find a business or vocational school.
The authorities have introduced a special follow-up mechanism: before finally leaving the system, each pupil is offered an interview with a psychological service and is then followed up by specialised structures - SCRIPT and SNJ. These services either help them return to school or refer the young person to other avenues - apprenticeships, support programmes or alternative projects, including voluntary service.
Within the framework of the new government policy, it is planned to strengthen campaigns to popularise vocational training. A common campaign is being prepared with Maison de l'orientation and partner organisations to change the perception of professions among young people and stimulate interest in crafts and applied professions.
In the meantime, the system of training mentors at enterprises and verification of the right to training remain under control, but the acuteness of the problem requires not technical but strategic solutions: how to restore the prestige of dual education and stop the flow of "lost youth" in a country with one of the most expensive educational systems in Europe.