
Alcohol and hospitalisations: alarming statistics from Luxembourg

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Alcohol in Luxembourg

Adam Wilson, Unsplash

In response to a parliamentary request from MPs André Bauler and Gilles Baum, Minister of Health and Social Protection Martine Deprez provided official data on the number of hospitalisations due to alcohol abuse.

According to the report, 3,639 hospitalisations caused by acute alcohol poisoning were recorded in Luxembourg between 2018 and 2023. However, only 3% of the cases involved adolescents aged 12 to 18 years.

To better compare with European trends, a comparative analysis with Germany was carried out. In Luxembourg, the rate of adolescent hospitalisations in 2022 was 0.040% of the age group and 0.043% in 2023, whereas in Germany the rate in 2022 was 0.19% and in 2023 0.14%. That is, despite public concern, the rate of teenage alcohol poisoning in Luxembourg is many times lower than in Germany.

An interesting detail is the seasonal dynamics: the peak of hospitalisations is observed from July to October, especially among the adult population. Such periods traditionally coincide with summer events, festivals and holidays.

When asked about the future of the Plan of Action to Reduce Alcohol Abuse (PALMA), which ended in 2024, the Minister said that a new long-term strategy is being developed that will continue the most effective PALMA measures and will be complemented by new initiatives more relevant to today's reality.

Nevertheless, the increase in summer hospitalisations and the continuing urgency of the problem point to the need for comprehensive prevention - both among young people and adults. Especially in the context of high availability of alcohol and cultural tolerance to its consumption.

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We took photos from these sources: Adam Wilson, Unsplash

Authors: Alex