
In Luxembourg, the incidence rate among workers increased from 3.93 per cent in 2019 to 4.50 per cent in 2023

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Pablo Merchán Montes, Unsplash

Pablo Merchán Montes, Unsplash

Minister of Health and Social Protection Martine Deprez has responded to a parliamentary enquiry on the increase in absenteeism in Luxembourg since 2014.

In 2023, able-bodied workers were on sick leave for an average of 4.50% of working days, up from 3.93% in 2019. The main reasons for absence are sickness, injury, parental leave and other types of leave. Sick leave is only counted for private sector and non-resident employees, but does not apply to government and CFL employees.

The Health Insurance Supervisory Authority carries out regular checks. If unjustified absence is suspected, employees are called for a medical examination. In 10-14% of cases, medical experts declare the employee fit for work. If the employee does not agree with the conclusion, he/she can appeal the decision.

An Absentéisme working group has been set up to deal with:

  • Analysing the reasons for the rise in sick leave,
  • Developing measures to deal with recurrent and short-term absences,
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing audits.

The government recognises the problem and is willing to introduce preventive measures, stressing the importance of supporting those who are genuinely ill and combating possible abuse.

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We took photos from these sources: Pablo Merchán Montes, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr