
Inhaler shortages scare pharmacists

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Sahej Brar, Unsplash

Sahej Brar, Unsplash

Luxembourg pharmacies are facing a serious shortage of life-saving inhalers for asthmatics. The Ministry of Health has confirmed supply problems with Ventoline, Flixotide and Seretide, which are in short supply with distributors.

The situation is particularly acute in regions where pharmacies have already used up their stocks. A pharmacist in the southern part of the country admits: "We dispense about ten packs of Ventoline a month. Now the situation is critical and patients are forced to go without it.

One supplier said that Flixotide and Seretide should be back on sale by 10 February, while Ventoline is still available but supply is limited to ensure there is enough for everyone. However, another major distributor, Comptoir Pharmaceutique, said demand is four times the available stock. The company has only been able to fulfil 600 out of 2,500 patient requests, and there is no guarantee that new supplies of Ventoline will arrive before March.

The shortage is exacerbated by the fact that alternative medicines are not available in sufficient quantities in Luxembourg. As a result, patients have to go round several pharmacies to find the medicines they need.

Although the authorities assure that the situation will stabilise in the coming weeks, many asthma patients are experiencing serious difficulties in finding life-saving medicines. If supply delays continue, this could jeopardise the health of thousands of people, especially in winter, when respiratory diseases are most prevalent.

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We took photos from these sources: Sahej Brar, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr