
Only 4% of citizens increased their cannabis use after legalisation

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Cannabis flowers in Luxembourg

Diyahna Lewis, Unsplash

It has been more than a year and a half since Luxembourg partially legalised cannabis - from July 2023, adults are allowed to grow up to four plants at home and use cannabis in private. In parallel, penalties for possession of small amounts in public places have been relaxed. Now the National Health Authority has released the first assessment of the effects of the reform. Although the findings are still preliminary, they already give an idea of how cannabis culture has changed in the country.

According to the ILRES survey conducted in autumn 2023, 46.5% of respondents aged 18 to 64 had used cannabis at least once in their lifetime. Recent use (within 12 days prior to the survey) was recognised by 14.2% and within 30 days by 8%.

Interesting fact: 16% of users stated that they had tried cannabis for the first time after the change in the law. However, experts emphasise that this correlation does not mean that legalisation was the reason for the start of use. Moreover, only 4.5 per cent of existing users reported an increase in use after the reform. The majority, on the contrary, do not plan to increase their use or start using at all.

Nadine Berndt, head of the National Drug Observatory, noted that the level of use is slightly above the EU average, but comparable to neighbouring France. She also suggested that the more open atmosphere after the reform may have influenced the increased frankness of respondents' answers.

The profile of cannabis users in Luxembourg is predominantly men under 35 years of age. Geographically and by nationality, there are almost no differences. This indicates a relatively homogeneous distribution of use across the country.

Interestingly, only 11.5 per cent of consumers in 2023 have grown their own cannabis, despite having the option to do so. The vast majority have no plans to start "home planting".

Youth and addiction support services have recorded an increase in the number of cannabis-related referrals. According to Ute Heinz, director of the help centre, this is a positive sign: stigma is decreasing and people are more likely to talk about their use and ask for help. Previously, many people were afraid to confess because of the illegal status of cannabis. Now the legal context creates more trust.

Neither Berndt nor other experts are drawing far-reaching conclusions yet. All emphasise that regular and structured research is needed to assess the long-term consequences. In the coming years, it is planned to conduct monitoring surveys every three years in order to adapt prevention measures and adjust the country's anti-drug policy.

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We took photos from these sources: Diyahna Lewis, Unsplash

Authors: Alex