Luxembourg has earmarked €480 million for the purchase of affordable flats

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Ministers Claude Meisch, Léon Gloden and Max Hahn responded to a parliamentary enquiry by MP Marc Goergen on what steps are being taken to help families facing difficulties in finding housing.
In the face of a severe housing crisis, the Government is seeking to accelerate the construction of affordable housing and ease the financial burden on families. Among the key measures:
Income limits for housing assistance increased
Access to mortgage lending has been simplified
Reduced financial burden on tenants
More opportunities to buy affordable housing
Stimulating the affordable housing market
Investments in housing stock
Supporting municipalities in the creation of affordable housing
The measures taken are aimed at giving families more opportunities to find or buy a home. However, even with the expanded support, the housing crisis in Luxembourg remains an acute problem requiring long-term solutions. The Government continues to seek new tools to accelerate the increase in affordable housing and support citizens in the face of rising living costs.