Conflict at Luxair: employees demand justice after record successes

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In Luxembourg, a labour dispute has broken out between Luxair management and the OGBL and LCGB unions. Negotiations to extend the collective labour agreement (convention collective de travail) failed, prompting the syndicates to appeal to the Office National de Conciliation (ONC).
Luxair has demonstrated outstanding results: in 2023, the number of passengers carried exceeded 2.5 million, a historic high, and in 2024 the figures promise to be even higher. However, despite the economic success, the company's management categorically refuses to meet union demands for higher wages and better working conditions for all employees.
The unions note that these achievements were possible thanks to the efforts of staff who showed flexibility and commitment during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis and recovery period.
OGBL and LCGB representatives emphasise that during the pandemic, Luxair employees made significant concessions to enable the company to overcome the crisis. Now that the financial situation has stabilised, it is time to invest in employees. The unions believe that fair pay and improved working conditions are a necessary form of recognition for workers' efforts.
The syndicates say they will use all possible means to achieve a fair agreement. They insist that a company's success is inconceivable without recognising the contribution of its employees. At the same time, management's refusal to compromise could escalate the conflict.
This dispute raises again the question of the balance between corporate interests and employee rights, especially in companies that are experiencing financial growth after the crisis period.