
5 new monkeypox cases in Luxembourg

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5 new monkeypox cases in Luxembourg

A total of 50 cases of monkeypox have been reported in Luxembourg. 21 098 in all of Europe. Of these, 1669 happened last week.

Most of the cases are men (98.8%) from 31 to 40 years old (8 231 out of 20 644, or 40%). Of those whose HIV status was known, 37% were HIV carriers (3070).

Most patients (95%) had rash, fever, fatigue, muscle pain, vomiting, diarrhea, chills, sore throat or headache. 576 patients ended up in the hospital (5.9%) and 194 required clinical care. Four were admitted to the intensive care unit. Two have died.

To date, 64 cases have been reported among healthcare workers. Three of these cases are related to the profession. Doctors use personal protection, but can become infected by contact with body fluids when they take samples.

All 50 cases of monkeypox in Luxembourg are male. The average age is 37 years. Two people were admitted to the hospital, both have already been discharged.

Vaccination of risk groups began on 16 August. As of August 24, 284 people have been vaccinated.

Luxembourg has just received 200 additional doses of vaccine from the Netherlands. Now the stock of vaccines is 1600 doses. This is enough for 800 people, two injections each.

If you are at risk and want to get vaccinated, call this number: 4411-3129.

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Source: lequotidien.lu

Authors: Danila