
Campsites in Luxembourg to see record number of tourists by year»s end

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Campsites in Luxembourg to see record number of tourists by year»s end

After a lull of the two consecutive pandemic years, in 2022 Luxembourg’s campsites are once again popular with visitors. Tourists from all over the world come to the Grand Duchy to relax in a natural environment. The heat doesn’t scare them. Moreover, on the hottest days, the number of tourists has only increased.

Over the past few weeks, the number of tourists has continued to grow. Campsites were forced to stake football fields with tents to accommodate everyone. If this pace continues, by the end of the year the country will break the record for the number of camping enthusiasts. This much is predicted by Florence Kirtz, president of the camping association CAMPRILUX.

Campsites in Luxembourg are most often visited by guests from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland. Tourists ostensibly prefer outdoor recreation. They mainly complain about the lack of good hotels in the cities and the insufficient safety of bike paths.

Despite this, many travelers also visited the capital of the Grand Duchy over the long weekend. About 2 500 tourists visited Luxembourg and its various excursions.

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Source: RTL

Authors: Danila