
Can a smart meter leave you with no heat?

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Can a smart meter leave you with no heat?

The deployment of the Smarty smart meter network in Luxembourg is worrisome after the scandal in the US.

In America, the temperature in the homes of more than 20 000 customers has been forcibly lowered by smart meters. This caused great indignation of the public, and the newspapers’ headlines were full of loud slogans. However, everything’s not so simple. First of all, it was an exceptional measure to ensure the security of the entire network. Secondly, users signed the contract and gave their consent to it.

So can the smart gas and electricity meters being installed in Luxembourg somehow interfere with people’s lives? No, energy supplier Creos directly answers. The fact is that such meters are safety relays. A kind of fuse that controls resource consumption and prevents leaks. For example, the most “gluttonous” equipment, water heaters, charging stations for an electric car, and so on, will be “attached” to the electricity meter. All this with client’s consent.

During off-peak hours (usually between 22:00 and 06:00), such a relay will automatically turn the power on and off. This will help reduce resource consumption. In this case, you will still fully receive the required amount of electricity. Actual power outages are extremely rare. There are two main reasons for them. Some users have missed too many payments. Some have moved houses, but didn’t have time to sign a new contract with the supplier.

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Source: Paperjam

Authors: Danila