Cannabis legalised in Luxembourg

The vote for the first phase of marijuana legalisation passed through Parliament today. The law was passed with 38 votes in favour. 22 deputies were against it but had no influence on the outcome of the vote. This means: Cannabis is now officially legal in the Grand Duchy.
However, it's worth remembering how this is going to work. From now on, each household will be able to grow up to four bushes of the plant in their own home. It is also allowed to consume at home, but not in the presence of minors. Smoking on the street is not allowed. The fines range from 25 to 500 euros. For less than 3 grams, a fine of 145 euros is possible. It is up to the public prosecutor's office to decide.
Once it has been published, the law will come into force. The second stage of legalisation — the establishment of an official network of producers and suppliers — will be discussed in the near future.
When this happens, citizens over 18 will be able to legally purchase up to 30 grams of cannabis per month from 14 retailers and at specialised and certified points of sale. However, a warning that cannabis is not harmless would accompany the purchase. This approach would be to reduce the risks and prevent crime.
The law's background
The legalisation of marijuana was not a new idea The experience of the Netherlands had been observed for a long time in Luxembourg. At the end of last year, the first version of the bill was ready. It had been due for discussion in the June session but had been the subject of a last-minute postponement. A new date of summer 2023 was set and the bill was sent back for revision.
Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta and the Netherlands also met last summer to discuss this issue. The aim of the meeting was to have a discussion on drug policy and the recreational use of cannabis.
Germany, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Malta and the Netherlands also met last summer to discuss this issue. The aim of the meeting was to have a discussion on drug policy and the recreational use of cannabis. At that time, the participants were in agreement that repressive policies have negative consequences.