
Donate to charity by practicing yoga in Luxembourg

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Donate to charity by practicing yoga in Luxembourg

The Aide à l’Enfance de l’Inde et du Népal charity has announced a partnership with eight yoga studios in Luxembourg. On November 9-27, by paying for yoga classes in these centers, students will donate money to help children from poor families in India.

Aéroyoga, ANANDAliving Yoga, Joy Yoga, Perla Yoga, UrbanLeaf Yoga, Yoga am Minett, Yoga La Source and Yoga Santé Luxembourg are participating in the charity event. The classes in these studios be taught by 15 experienced teachers this month.

AEIN hopes to raise enough money to help a 1000 children from poor tribal communities in the central Indian state of Jharkhand. As well as 500 children who dropped out of school to work and feed their families. Information about the project is available online.

If you would like to sign up for one of the 18 charity yoga classes, you can also do so online.

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