
Epidemiological surveillance gain in Luxembourg

Last time updated
Epidemiological surveillance gain in Luxembourg

From January 9 to February 5 of 2023, the Grand Duchy will enforce an amplified monitoring regime. This decision has two causes: the growing morbidity of COVID-19 in China at the end of last year and the simultaneous increase in Chinese tourist traffic.

Anyone who has visited China for 14 days or more now has to report to the Health Inspectorate before arriving in Luxembourg. Also, those coming will be offered to take a COVID-19 test.

In case of a positive result, the samples will be sent for testing to determine the virus strain. This will help to effectively track the emergence of new variations of the disease in the country.

This measure is an addition to the security measures that have already been in place. Such precautions are applied in all EU international airports that welcome flights from China.

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