First collective agreement signed between OGBL and LNS: a promise for better conditions for medical workers

The agreement, which was discussed for three years, has finally been signed. It will affect 250 medical sphere employees and give them significant bonuses and new work conditions. This was exactly what the trade union OBGL, also present at the signing, had been seeking.
The employees' salaries will be increased by an average of 4.5%, and wage indexation will be in line with public sector rates. Moreover, all those affected by the agreement will receive an additional 512 euros of vacation pay and a one-time allowance of 500 euros.
The agreement will also gradually introduce a mechanism for early retirement, as well as two additional days off for employees aged 50 to 55 and two more for those above.
The collective agreement will take effect retroactively — from January 1, 2023, and will be in power until December 31, 2025.
What does this agreement mean?
The signing of the collective bargaining agreement between the LNS and the OGBL represents a significant milestone in the history of the institution. The agreement provides significant benefits to the LNS (National Health Laboratory) staff, including salary increases, improved working conditions, and more leave days.
It also aligns their salary and financial growth with the public sector's collective agreements, providing them with better recognition and a more secure future. Overall, this agreement signifies a mutual commitment to enhance the working conditions of medical staff and improve the Luxembourg health system's preparedness for future challenges.
Back in 2020 and 2021, the protests and strikes by medical staff in Luxembourg highlighted the challenges faced by healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for better working conditions and pay. Medical staff also held several protests throughout the country.
The notable protest took place in June 2021, when hundreds of healthcare workers rallied in Luxembourg City to demand better working conditions, pay, and more staff. The protesters argued that they were understaffed and overworked, which was leading to burnout and staff shortages.