Green Party protects trees from trams

On August 10, Luxembourg municipality has published a plan for the development of the tram network in the city. Since then, there has been an ongoing debate around it. More precisely, the discussion focused aon one area. On it, the path of the new tram line passes through the city park. Trees and bushes that interfere with new transport were to be cut down.
Environmental organizations have already spoken out against such a decision. So did a former member of the Luxembourg City Council. Today, on August 30, François Bausch, Minister of Transport made a statement. He said that the real plan of the project by no means passes through the park. And the statements of the authorities on this matter were taken out of context.
According to the minister, who’s a part of the Green Party, the Avenue de la Porte-Neuve and the park will only become greener and more environmentally friendly after the project is implemented.
François Benoy, also a representative of the Green Party, a candidate for mayor of Luxembourg, spoke on this topic. In his opinion, the tram can pass along the Avenue de la Porte-Neuve. And the trees will remain intact. To do this, however, it will be necessary to stop the through car traffic. Thus leaving the street open only for pedestrians, bicycles and public transport.