Listeria monocytogenes for breakfast: Cerelia Belgium brand pancakes may be contaminated with a dangerous bacteria

Batches of fresh milk pancakes in packs of 10 from Cerelia Belgium may be contaminated with the Listeria monocytogenes bacteria.
Listeria monocytogenes can cause fever, headaches, and gastroenteritis. People with weak immune systems, the elderly, and children can develop meningitis. Gastroenteritis appears from a few hours to three days after consumption. While the onset of neurological symptoms of meningitis sometimes takes more than 3 months. Pregnant women should be especially careful.
In Luxembourg, Cerelia Belgium pancakes are sold in Aldi supermarkets. The barcode is 27065174. The expiration dates of hazardous lots are: 08/27/2022, 08/30/2022, 08/31/2022 and 09/01/2022. If you or your loved ones have eaten these pancakes, see a doctor as soon as possible.