
Luxembourg is among the top 5 in the number of foreign tourists

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Luxembourg is among the top 5 in the number of foreign tourists

On September 27, Luxembourg celebrated World Tourism Day, and Eurostat prepared an interesting report in honor of the event. It presents statistics on the number of foreign tourists in EU countries and their share in the economy of tourist facilities.

In total, the EU received 43% of all world tourists in 2022. Most nights went to Malta with 92% of foreign tourists, as well as Croatia and Cyprus — they have 91% each. The Grand Duchy and Greece follow slightly behind. In the former, foreign tourists were 86% of the total flow, in the latter — 84%.

The large number of tourists has both advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, it stimulates the economy and intercultural interactions and enriches people's experiences.

The disadvantage is the growing vulnerability of the country to global catastrophes and pandemics, which can put an end to the stable tourist flow, as happened in 2020-2021.

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Source: Eurostat

We took photos from these sources: Tourists, street, crowd, photography, camera, selfies

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia

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