
Luxembourg races. Where to go for athletics

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Luxembourg races. Where to go for athletics

There are many different types of races in Luxembourg. They can be non-professional events as well as official major championships that attract hundreds or thousands of participants.

Most of them take place in spring and early summer, but there are still a few races that are just being planned.

Triathlon International de Weiswampach

The Weisswampach Triathlon takes place on August 19 and 20. In spite of its official name, the event will consist of several disciplines: running, duathlon, and the triathlon itself.

August 19

  • Runs: 5 km and 10 km;
  • Sprint Duathlon: 2.5 km run — 20 km bike race — 5 km run;
  • Triathlon Découverte: 100 m swim — 5 km bike race — 1.5 km run.

August 20

On the second day of the competition, there will be three main triathlon events for trained athletes. These distances will no longer be warm-up races:

  • Triathlon International Distance Olympique: 1.5 km swim — 40 km bike race — 10 km run;
  • Triathlon Sprint: 750 m swim — 20 km bike race — 5 km run;
  • Triathlon de Promotion: 750 m swim — 20 km bike race — 5 km run.

The registration for the competition is open until the 17th of August. You can go to the official Triathlon website to register and sign up.

ING Route du Vin

This race is going to take place at the end of September. If you want to participate, you have 11 weeks to prepare. That's a pretty impressive amount of time to get in shape.

The competition is pretty old: it dates back to 1962 and is traditionally held in Remich, Germany. You can compete in 3 disciplines: 5 and 10 kilometres and a semi-marathon. About 1,800 athletes, both professional and non-professional will participate in this Marathon. A part of the events of the Marathon will take place along the vineyards of the Moselle in Luxembourg.

There is even a race for children: 700 meters for 6-8-year-olds and 1500 kilometres for 9-12-year-olds. Registration for the race is now open, so check the website for more details on race types and prices. And there are rewards, from 100 euros for 10th place to 1,250 euros for first place.

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We took photos from these sources: woman, race, runner, sport, athletics

Authors: Kadriia