Luxembourg ranked in the top 5 of the EU for solar energy

Climate and energy programs in Luxembourg will be reviewed this spring. The plans to switch to clean energy and reduce carbon dioxide emissions emerged even before the pandemic. European Union countries were just about to submit their programs by the end of 2019. Their main goal is to reduce CO2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and to get rid of them completely by 2050.
On its part, Luxembourg aims to increase the amount of renewable energy to 25% of the total. In 2020, solar panels produced 187 MW, while in 2021 they will produce 277 MW. However, the data for 2022 have not yet been collected.
We still can conclude that this goal is quite realistic, and the Grand Duchy will be able to meet it. It is also important to recognize that in terms of subsidies, Luxembourg is one of the leaders in Europe. For example, the VAT on photovoltaic panels was recently reduced from 17% to 3%. According to SolarPower Europe, the country itself is among the top five EU leaders in terms of available solar energy per person.