Motorcyclist from Germany dies in a road accident on A1

On Thursday, July 28, at around 2:25 pm, a fatal accident has occurred on the section of the A1 motorway near the Mertert exit. A motorcycle crashed into the crash barrier at high speed. The vehicle, the motorcyclist and his passenger went off the track. According to eyewitnesses, the motorcycle turned over several times in the air due to the force of the collision.
The motorcyclist, a 44-year-old German, died at the scene from his injuries. The passenger was also seriously injured, but survived and is now in the hospital. Assistance to the injured was provided by representatives of emergency services from Junglinster, Mertert and Manterach.
The Potaschberg-Mertert section of the A1 motorway is temporarily closed for the investigation of the accident’s cause. A temporary bypass is established through Grevenmacher.
This is the fourth motorcyclist victim of a road accident in the Grand Duchy this July. The count just this month has already surpassed the entire last year’s number of victims.