
Nuclear power is not a priority for Luxembourg

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Ядерная энергетика

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Luxembourg's Minister of Economy, SMEs, Energy and Tourism, Lex Delles, has confirmed that the government remains firmly committed to nuclear energy. In response to a parliamentary enquiry by MP Joelle Welfring, he emphasised that nuclear energy is not considered a green or sustainable technology by Luxembourg.

Key provisions of Luxembourg's position

Closure of nuclear plants

Luxembourg continues to advocate for the closure of nuclear power plants in neighbouring countries, including Cattenom in France and Doel and Tihange in Belgium.

Focus on renewable energy sources

The state believes that European funds for the energy transition should be directed towards research and development in the field of renewable energy. Investments in the nuclear sector are only permissible in the context of improving the safety of existing nuclear power plants and radioactive waste management.

Non-recognition of nuclear energy as a green technology

Luxembourg has actively opposed the inclusion of nuclear energy in the list of "clean" or "zero-emission" technologies. This approach has been supported in discussions at the EU level, despite ambiguous language in documents initiated by other countries.

Recognition of national competences

Although Luxembourg is strongly opposed to the use of nuclear energy, it recognises the right of other EU member states to choose nuclear energy as part of their energy mix. Financing for such projects is possible from national budgets, but not from Luxembourg's budget.

At the EU Internal Market and Industry Council meeting on 28 November 2024, under the Hungarian Presidency, Luxembourg did not support attempts to promote nuclear power under the guise of "clean technology". However, the lack of consensus meant that these provisions remained only at the level of the Presidency's proposals, non-binding.

Luxembourg remains a supporter of renewable energy and environmentally friendly solutions. The country continues to favour the phase-out of nuclear energy and calls for European resources to be channelled into safe and sustainable future technologies.

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