OGBL will not accept pension reform

Source: Tim Mossholde, Unsplash
Pension reform remains a major concern for the OGBL, with discussions set to begin in the fall. The deadline was announced by Health and Social Protection Minister Martin Desprez (CSV). Fearing a worsening of conditions for workers, the union organization said Tuesday it would be adamant in the upcoming debate.
"We will not allow workers' pension conditions to deteriorate for the sake of saving money. We have an effective pension system. It is one of the pillars of our social model," said OGBL President Nora Beck at the union's national committee meeting.
The OGBL criticizes the reform because it believes it was not announced during the fall parliamentary elections. The union, which is trying to influence the negotiations, also complained about what it called a "lack of dialogue" on the part of the government.
"We accuse the government of excluding representative national unions from discussions on such an important issue," added Nora Beck.
Finally, the OGBL expressed skepticism about the government's financial projections used to justify the reform and plans to launch a campaign to challenge them as unrealistic.