
Residence permits given to 7 thousand people in Luxembourg in 2021

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Residence permits given to 7 thousand people in Luxembourg in 2021

7,074 people moved to Luxembourg from non-EU countries in 2021. In general, 2 952 300 people throughout the year have received their first residence permits in the EU countries. The numbers have once again reached the pre-COVID level of 2019.

Luxembourg is still lagging behind pre-pandemic levels. In 2019, 8428 people entered the Grand Duchy.

Residents of what countries choose to move to Luxembourg? This is primarily India (893), Brazil (383), Syria (378), China, including Hong Kong (374) and Eritrea (329). Most new residents (3628) reunited with their families already living in the Grand Duchy. 1918 found a job in the country, and 546 receive education. Another 984 people indicated other reasons for entry.

A lot of children and teenagers received their first residence permit in Luxembourg in 2021. 944 residence permits were issued to them for family reunification. However, that’s still a long way from the first place. Germany issued 44 400 residence permits for children in 2021. This is more than a quarter of the 211 000 issued by the European Union in total.

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Source: Delano

Authors: Danila