
School»s Out: 75 % of secondary school graduates in Luxembourg can aim for baccalaureate

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School»s Out: 75 % of secondary school graduates in Luxembourg can aim for baccalaureate

Today, on July 12th, the Ministry of National Education, Childhood and Youth has unveiled the results of secondary school graduation exams. Overall the success rate for the exams among participants is 75%. This means that 2 612 out of 3 483 participants can enter higher education. 16% of secondary school graduates have asked to postpone the exam and 9% more refused to take it outright.

The success rate is higher among the graduates of classical secondary schools and sits at a lofty 83%. Meanwhile, only 68% of highschoolers that received only general secondary education have passed the exam.

The data shows that girls were more successful than boys this year. For classical secondary education the gap between genders is tiny: 84% versus 82% success rate. But girls with only general secondary education have proven a whole 6% more studious than their male peers: 74% vs. 68% success rate.

116 examinees have passed the test with an excellent mark. Out of them, 105 were classical secondary school students.

Read more: Luxembourg schools: how does the school education system work

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