Tiger mosquitoes, tropical disease carriers, invade Luxembourg

Residents have noticed unusual new mosquitoes twice in recent days in the vicinity of Roeser. These black insects have white stripes all over their bodies. The Ministry of Health has identified them as tiger mosquitoes. This is quite an invasive species, that lives mainly in Southeast Asia.
Since recently, the tiger mosquito has occasionally been spotted in Europe. But this is the first recorded occurrence for the Grand Duchy.
Who and how brought insects into the country is unknown. But adult species of the mosquito do not move more than 100 meters from their birthplace, so the perpetrator of the invasion most likely is or recently was near the Roeser commune. Now the authorities with help from an expert, are planning the elimination of the potential tiger mosquito habitats in Luxembourg.
Tiger mosquitoes can carry a number of tropical diseases if they drink the blood of someone afflicted. The Ministry of Health claims that there are no concern for such a situation in Luxembourg. Therefore, if you are bitten by a white-striped mosquito, treat it like a normal mosquito bite.