
Will there be a 36-hour working week in Luxembourg

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Will there be a 36-hour working week in Luxembourg

The Minister of Labour Georges Engel says it's not impossible and supported the idea of reduction of the working week in the Grand Duchy. The minister has commissioned a study at LISER which will analyses the effectiveness of such a measure and the possible pros and cons of this step. The study should form the basis for a political discussion on the subject for future.

Georges Engel believes that now it is the right time to take up the issue of the working week again: first 40-hours work week was agreed in the 1970s. Now it's the right time to face the issue again.

Among the important benefits that shorter working hours should bring to Luxembourg is the possibility to become a more attractive place to work.

According to the Minister, the attractiveness of the Luxembourg labour market has so far been mostly linked to higher wages. However, salaries are also increasing abroad. Georges Engel is convinced that the resolution of the working time issue will have an impact on the matter of attractiveness of the Grand Duchy to in-demand specialists.

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Source: RTL

Authors: Daria