The new ministerial lineup surprised everyone

The list of ministers who will be part of the new government was published this morning. The coalition agreement between CSV and DP has been reached, with both parties unanimously accepting the agreement. It is expected that the new department heads will be chosen from the parties in the alliance.
The new ministers are 10 men and 5 women. Some of the figures are already familiar to Luxembourgers, others will be taking their seats for the first time.
8 ministers were chosen from the CSV, the party that won the elections:
- Luc Frieden officially becomes Prime Minister
- Martine Deprez will head the Ministry of Health, replacing Paulette Lenert.
- Gilles Roth has been appointed Minister of Finance, replacing Yuriko Backes.
- Elisabeth Margue is the new Minister of Justice, replacing Sam Tanson.
- Serge Wilmes will be in charge of the environment and civil service.
- Martine Hansen will be in charge of the Ministry of Agriculture and Consumer Protection.
- Georges Mischo has been chosen as Minister of Labour and Sport.
- Léon Gloden will head the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security.
The DP also received a significant representation in the new government, but only in the number of 7 people. Most of the politicians kept their positions but changed their field of activity:
- Xavier Bettel resigns as Prime Minister. He will become Luc Frieden's official Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.
- Claude Meisch retains his position as Minister of Education, but has been given additional responsibilities: he will now be in charge of Housing and Spatial Planning.
- Yuriko Backes will no longer be in charge of Finance, but will instead be in charge of Minister of Defence, Equality between Women and Men, and overseeing responsibilities for Mobility and Public Works.
- Max Hahn remains at the head of the Ministry of Family Affairs, but will now also be in charge of immigration.
- Lex Delles will be in charge of the Economy, Energy, and Tourism.
- Stéphanie Obertin is a newcomer to the list of ministers. She will be in charge of digitalization, higher education, and research.
- Eric Thill, another newcomer, will be in charge of the Minister of Culture and Minister Delegate for Tourism.
The ministers will take their duties tomorrow after being sworn in by Grand Duke Henri.