
80% of Luxembourg residents are allergic

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80% of Luxembourg residents are allergic

Nearly one and a half thousand adults (1,462 people) participated in a special study conducted by the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH). After studying the results of 480,000 samples, the scientists came to a disappointing conclusion. 42% of the subjects reported diagnosed allergies, while another 44% showed signs of an allergic reaction.

The most common triggers are grass and tree pollen and house dust mites. The former is most dangerous during the active blooming period from mid-spring to mid-summer, less frequently — until fall. Dust mites live in every home, so timely cleaning becomes an important factor affecting the quality of life.

Although allergies are classified as an autoimmune disease, doctors are no longer jokingly calling it a new epidemic — so many people are suffering. According to the same study, Luxembourg now spends around 60 million euros a year on fighting allergies and their consequences.

It is obvious that preventive measures are becoming more and more important, if not for the appearance of the disease, then for its development. This is especially important for people at risk and those with severe allergies.

The results of the research may not be encouraging, but they signal the need for urgent action that can improve the quality of life of hundreds of thousands and millions of people in the future.

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Source: L'Essentiel

We took photos from these sources: A man sits covered in flowers

Authors: Aleksandr, Kadriia