
A tram to the airport is being tested

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Трамвай в Findel, Люксембург

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On 10 December 2024, Luxembourg took an important step in the expansion of its tram network: the first test run on the new route connecting the Luxembourg Stadium and Findel Airport was successfully conducted.

Itinerary details

  • Length: the new section is 3.9 kilometres.
  • Stops: the route includes the stations "Luxexpo" in Kirschberg, "Héienhaff P+R" and the final stop "Findel - Luxembourg Airport".
  • Key elements: the tram crossed a 110-metre bridge over the A1 motorway, passed through the Gréngewald forest and a three-level interchange in Senninberg.

The test of the new section was attended by dignitaries including Transport Minister Yuriko Backes and Luxembourg Mayor Lydie Polfer. To test the route, the tram travelled at a speed of 3-5 km/h, allowing technical teams to ensure that there were no obstacles in the way;

On 9 December, the Line of Air Contact (LAC) was connected to 750 volts. Luxtram has introduced strict rules for working in the vicinity of the electrical infrastructure, including mandatory authorisation for any work. Already from February 2025, a "route run-in" phase will begin, during which the tram will run on schedule but without passengers.

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Source: Luxtram

We took photos from these sources: Getty Images

Authors: Aleksandr