Cats live in most Europeans' homes

Cats have become the most popular pets in European countries.They live in the homes of 26% of Europeans, compared to 25% for dogs.
The spread may seem small, but that's the tricky thing about percentages. In fact, according to the latest FEDIAF EuropeanPetFood census, there are 127 million cats in Europe and only 104 million dogs. Why? There are actually two good reasons for this distribution of pets.
The first is the dog tax. It may seem strange, but this is how countries like Germany, Luxembourg and others fight against the increase of stray animals. When a person decides to get a dog, he or she agrees to pay a tax, thus confirming his or her ability to pay and willingness to keep the animal and help it in case of illness.

The second reason is the simplicity of cats. Yes, furry hunters are much more independent than dogs. And while the dogs are more emotionally attached to humans, they are also more dependent on them. A dog needs more attention, regular walks and exercise, games and time, while a cat just needs a full bowl of food and a clean litter box. Very convenient for people who spend most of their time at work.

Unfortunately, keeping a dog also comes with risks. We have repeatedly written about doghunters in Luxembourg. Read about dangerous places in our articles.
Interesting to note that there are also 53 million birds, 29 million small mammals (rabbits, rodents), 22 million aquarium pets and 11 million terrarium pets living in European homes.

If you'd like to get a pet in Luxembourg, read about how to keep a pet in our Knowledge Library: