
Luxembourg maintains ban on fireworks, but not everywhere

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Every year, more and more communes in Luxembourg introduce bans on the use of fireworks and firecrackers on New Year's Eve. The reasons given are environmental impact, animal welfare and the safety of residents. Here is the current list of restrictions provided by RTL.

Communes with bans in place for two consecutive years (2023/2024 and 2024/2025):

  • Luxembourg, Dudelange, Esch-sur-Alzette, Bettendorf, Bettembourg, Hesperange and most others.

Some communes keep the tradition of fireworks alive:

  • Bech, Betzdorf, Mersch, Weiswampach, Ettelbrück.

In some communes (e.g. Konter, Sanem, Remich) there is no official confirmation yet whether the restrictions will remain in place. And some have changed their position this year: the ban was introduced by Dippach and Saeul.

If your municipality is not listed, it is advisable to contact your local authorities. Also keep an eye on your municipality's website or official publications for updates.

The decision to ban fireworks reflects the municipalities' desire to reduce noise pollution, reduce stress to domestic and wild animals and minimise environmental damage. Alternatives include light shows or special areas for setting off fireworks.

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Authors: Aleksandr