
Luxembourgers work harder than any of their neighbors

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Luxembourgers work harder than any of their neighbors

According to Eurostat, the average working week in Europe in 2022 was 37.5 hours. Different countries, however, report different numbers of actual labor hours.

The longest average working hours were recorded in Greece, Poland, Romania and Bulgaria. The working week there is 41 hours, 40.4 hours and 40.2 hours respectively. Notably, Serbia, like its neighbours, has a working week of more than 40 hours. People work the shortest hours in the Netherlands – 33.2 hours. Slightly longer in Germany, 35.3 hours, and Denmark – 35.4 hours.

Residents of the Grand Duchy show the highest rates among their neighbors. The working week in Luxembourg lasts 38.1 hours. Compare that to 37.4 hours in France or 36.9 hours in Belgium.
Looking at the new data, it becomes clear why Luxembourgers are so eager to finally see the labor regime change. However, the problem with the four-day week is that the authorities want to reduce the number of days by increasing the hourly workload, which the workers themselves clearly do not like.

This is still an urgent issue. But it's already on the agenda of the new government, that will be newly elected in less than a month – on October 8.

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Source: Eurostat

We took photos from these sources: Man sitting with laptop with clock face on the floor

Authors: Aleksandr

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