Some fines will double in Luxembourg

Lala Azizli, Unsplash
Luxembourg's Minister of Mobility, Juriko Backes, announced the introduction of a system of fixed fines for traffic offences. These measures were presented as part of the National Road Safety Plan 2024-2028.
According to the innovation, a fixed penalty in double amount will be automatically imposed for failure to pay a fine for traffic offences within the prescribed period.
Currently, non-payment of fines for offences leads to complex litigation, overburdening the courts and the police. The new mechanism should speed up the collection process and ease the work of the judiciary.
How will it work?
- A fixed penalty will be imposed for certain traffic offences, replacing the standard penalty notice system.
- If the driver fails to pay the fine on time, he or she will automatically be given a new fine of double the amount.
- Debt collection will be handled by the Registration, Lands and VAT Administration.
This system is already in place in Luxembourg for fines issued by traffic radar and is now being extended to other categories of offences.
A working group will be set up to determine which specific offences will fall under the new penalty system. It is not yet specified whether the mechanism will cover all offences or only certain categories.
Luxembourg is thus moving towards automated monitoring of traffic offences, reducing the burden on the judicial system and ensuring greater discipline on the roads.