
The Nordstad project in Luxembourg is in doubt

Last time updated
Проект Nordstad в Люксембурге

Kamran Abdullayev, Unsplash

The municipal council of the commune of Erpeldange-sur-Sur has decided not to hold a referendum on the Nordstad merger project until 2027. Councillor Laurent Lacourt's motion was rejected by a majority of six votes to three.

Laurent Lacourt, who favoured an immediate referendum, has expressed disappointment. However, Erpeldange bourgmestre Claude Gleis believes the referendum is premature at this stage.

Residents of the municipality's village of Bourdain are expressing discontent over the planned installation of a wind farm nearby. This may increase scepticism towards the Nordstad project.

The merger process is being actively discussed in the four municipalities. The council of the municipality of Bettendorf, however, has decided to withdraw from the negotiations, but their residents will be able to express their opinion in a referendum in March 2025.

In the meantime, working groups including local councillors continue to develop the merger concept. In the future, citizens will also be involved in the process. Despite criticism of the methods of involvement, the mayor is optimistic: "We are now in a phase of excellent co-operation between the four municipalities. It is important to study the pros and cons of the merger in detail.

It is not yet clear whether Nordstad will become an example of a successful merger of several municipalities. If the project is realised at all, it will set a precedent and provide an opportunity for research and observation for future policy decisions.

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Source: RTL

We took photos from these sources: Kamran Abdullayev, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr