The Prime Minister spoke on the occasion of International Women's Day

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On International Women's Day, the Luxembourg authorities reaffirmed their commitment to the fight for gender equality and presented a number of new initiatives.
Recent government moves include the abolition of the mandatory reflection period before abortion, a ban on virginity testing and certificates, and a ban on hymenoplasty (hymen repair surgery).
Just yesterday, the updated National Plan for Gender Equality was approved, and a strategy to combat gender-based violence is scheduled to be adopted by summer 2025.
Luxembourg also pays attention to the situation of women in conflict zones, where they are particularly exposed to violence and injustice. In this regard, the Government recently adopted the second National Plan "Women, Peace and Security", aimed at protecting women in crisis situations and ensuring their active participation in peace processes.
In recognising the role of women in Luxembourg, the authorities thanked women leaders, teachers, doctors, artists and all those who contribute to society. Changes are already taking place, but there is still a lot of work to be done to make gender equality not just a topic of discussion, but a fundamental principle in life and law.