
GovTech Lab launches AI Reader CAM project

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AI в Люксембурге

Alex Shuper, Unsplash

The Luxembourg Ministry of Digitalisation, together with GovTech Lab, has announced a new challenge under the SpeedUP programme called "AI Reader CAM". The project aims to build a prototype that will enable the Commissariat aux affaires maritimes (CAM) to automatically extract preset data from official documents (e.g. visas in PDF or JPEG format) without manual intervention.

The project aims to optimise the work of the Gens de mer service responsible for processing data related to maritime documents. The new tool will make it possible to:

  • reduce the workload of employees through automatic data filling;
  • reduce the likelihood of errors during manual checking and adjustments;
  • integrate data directly into the agency's information systems.

This project was part of the annual Tech-in-GOV initiative promoted by the Ministry of Digitalisation to support technology solutions in the public sector. The application period for SpeedUP is from 15 January to 14 February 2025.

For more information, you can read the full call on the official GovTech Lab website.

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We took photos from these sources: Alex Shuper, Unsplash

Authors: Aleksandr