
More than 435,000 smart gas and electricity meters installed in Luxembourg by 2024

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Gas prices in Luxembourg

Myko Makhlai, Unsplash

In response to an enquiry from MP Marc Goergen, Ministers Lex Delles and Martine Hansen have revealed sweeping figures relating to the rollout of smart meters in Luxembourg. At the end of 2024, there are more than 343,000 active smart meters for electricity and more than 91,000 for gas. Digital metering has thus covered almost the entire network. The mass installation took place between 2017 and 2020 and is mostly complete.

The total cost of the project was almost 74 million euros: around 53 million for electric meters and just over 20 million for gas meters. The funding was supervised by the national regulator as part of a programme to replace conventional meters.

The dynamics of complaints is also of interest. The main operator Creos has recorded a gradual decrease in the number of complaints from consumers. While in 2021, the peak replacement phase, there were 657 complaints, in 2022 there were already 349, in 2023 244, and in 2024 only 208. Before 2020, there were even fewer complaints. According to the report, the other grid companies received only a few complaints, and those were usually resolved through clarifications.

Questions from the public were primarily about the possibility of not installing meters, misunderstandings about how they work, and concerns about potential harm to health. The Union of Consumers of Luxembourg (ULC) reported 24 enquiries between 2018 and 2020, but virtually no such signals after 2021. The Consumer Protection Authority has received no official complaints about the system at all.

Thus, despite the high speed of digitalisation and the scale of the project, the transition to smart meters in Luxembourg has been relatively conflict-free. The system has gradually stabilised and the population seems to have accepted the new technology without serious resistance.

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Authors: Alex